Audit v účtovníctve podnikateľov - výberová prednáška
Téma: Audit v účtovníctve podnikateľov. Výberová prednáška je zameraná na praktickú podstatu a význam auditovania účtovných jednotiek.
Prednášajúci: Ing. Vladimír Mochnaľ, VGD SLOVAKIA s. r. o. office Piešťany
Dátum a čas: 27. 11. 2023, 9.00 - 10.30 h
Miesto: SPU v Nitre, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, poslucháreň Z-03
Prednáška je relevantná k študijnému odboru ekonómia a manažment.
Unlocking the Full Spectrum of Benefits from Ecosystems: Navigating Policy and Investment Decisions with Insight - výberová prednáška
Téma: Unlocking the Full Spectrum of Benefits from Ecosystems: Navigating Policy and Investment Decisions with Insight - the lecture will include examples of completed and ongoing studies in New Zealand that involve non-market valuation and the assessment of ecosystem services using spatial models.
Prednášajúci: Dr. Richard Yao, Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute), Nový Zéland. Richard Yao is MSc in Agricultural Economics and PhD in Environmental Economics. He is a senior research economist at Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute), with more than 15 years of experience, specialising in the assessment of the broader value associated with terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems. His areas of expertise encompass timber production, carbon sequestration, recreation, enhanced water quality, water flow regulation, erosion prevention, and the conservation and improvement of biodiversity. Richard was the New Zealand representative in the COST Action PESFOR-W and he is currently a visiting scientist at IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria. Utilising his expertise in econometric modeling, forest economics, environmental economics, production economics, investment assessment, and spatial modeling, Richard has been leading research programmes related to environmental protection and enhancement, land use management, biosecurity protection, and natural resource management. He has successfully completed and is currently executing various research initiatives in partnership with New Zealand government agencies, universities, research institutes, and industries. His lecture will focus on essential methodologies for quantifying the value of forest ecosystem services (such as avoided erosion, carbon sequestration, habitat provision, nutrient reduction, and recreation) to society. He will explore how these methodologies can inform decision-making processes for sustainable resource management.
Dátum a čas: 27. 11. 2023, 10.30 h
Miesto: SPU v Nitre, Tulipánová 7, Nitra, Ústav krajinnej architektúry FZKI SPU v Nitre, prednášková miestnosť TD-01
Prednáška je relevantná k študijnému odboru ekonómia a manažment, poľnohospodárstvo a krajinárstvo.
Moderné trendy pri obrábaní kovov - výberová prednáška
Téma: Moderné trendy pri obrábaní kovov - výberová prednáška v rámci predmetu základy strojárskych technológií.
Prednášajúci: Ing. Ján Vederňan, Súkromná stredná škola polytechnická DSA, Nitra
Dátum a čas: 27. 11. 2023, 13.30 h
Miesto: SPU v Nitre, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, poslucháreň M
Prednáška je relevantná k študijnému odboru strojárstvo.
Strategické riadenie ľudských zdrojov v podniku - výberová prednáška
Téma: Strategické riadenie ľudských zdrojov v podniku - výberová prednáška
Prednášajúci: Jana Chalányová, Plastic Omnium
Dátum a čas: 27. 11. 2023, 7.30 h
Miesto: SPU v Nitre, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, pavilón S, cvičebňa AS-31
Prednáška je relevantná k študijnému odboru ekonómia a manažment.