
On 2 March 1995, on the recommendation of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Agronomy, the Scientific Committee of the University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Dr Jacques Diouf, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa. It was a historical event since this ceremonial act was held for the first time in the history of the University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Jacques Diouf, Director General of the FAO, was born on 1 August 1938 at Saint-Louis in Senegal. He completed the university studies of agriculture in France, and his education was deepened by the study of management in the USA. He also took part in internships in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Mexico and other countries. In 1991 he became Ambassador of Senegal at the United Nations in New York. In year 1993 he was elected Director General of the FAO. His commitment and recognition in scientific circles is extraordinary. He serves in scientific committees of 16 scientific institutions. The first contacts of Jacques Diouf with the Slovak Republic had started to develop prior to becoming Director General of the FAO. As a representative of this organisation, he initiated close cooperation with the University of Agriculture in Nitra and entrusted it with organising and ensuring international conferences and workshops for the Central and Eastern European countries focusing on the transformation of economies, with the highest representatives of agricultural departments in those countries being present.

On nomination of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Agronomy and in recognition of his lifetime work as a scientist and educator, the Scientific Committee of the University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Academician Ján Hovorka the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. The degree was conferred upon him on 11 April 1996 on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of establishment of the Faculty of Agronomy.
Ján Hovorka was born on 9 February 1914 in Zvolen. He was one of the first educators at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of the Slovak Technical University (SVŠT) in Bratislava. He contributed to its formation by founding institutes and later by establishing the University of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering (VŠPLI) in Košice together with its Branch of Agricultural Engineering. In 1946 he became its first Dean, and this moment can be considered the birth of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Agriculture in Nitra. In 1949 Academician Hovorka was entrusted with the establishment of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice and became its first Rector. He was also Head of the Department of Parasitology, founded the Helminthological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV), served as its Director, and became Academician in 1964. During his active pedagogical and scientific activities, Hovorka wrote 16 books, 6 university lecture notes and 342 professional articles. He was an honorary member in 13 scientific societies and a member of editorial boards in domestic and foreign periodicals. He educated 70 postgraduate students, and 8 dissertations were prepared under his supervision. He died on 15 November 2001.

On nomination of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Agronomy and in recognition of his lifetime work, his share in the development of the faculty and University, representation abroad, and the education of agricultural specialists with higher education, the Scientific Committee of the University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Academician Emil Špaldon the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. The degree was conferred upon him on 8 May 1996 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the University of Agriculture in Nitra on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the VŠP establishment.
Emil Špaldon was born on 12 May 1918 in Čadca. He started his studies at the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT) and continued at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zagreb. In years 1947–51 he headed externally the Department of Crop Production at the University of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering in Košice. In 1952–58 he served as Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and from 1958 to 1966 as Rector of the University of Agriculture in Nitra. In 1947 he was promoted to professorship. Academician Špaldon became Member of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (ČSAV), and Academician of the SAV and ČSAV. His international efforts were recognised by the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Agriculture in Gödöllő (Hungary) and at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bucharest (Romania). As regards scientific research activities, he was a distinctive representative of the biological concept of crop production. Besides of his active work as an educator and scientist, he is the author of 14 books, including 2 monographs and 2 university textbooks, as well as the author of more than 200 original scientific works at home and abroad and 23 pieces of professional literature. He educated 55 postgraduate students, 10 senior lecturers and 8 doctors of sciences. He died on 16. September 2015 in Nitra.

Professor Edward Runge is considered one of the most important personalities of American agricultural science, and research results of his work and his merits in forming the first intensive foreign contacts with our University fully qualify him to be awarded the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. He was awarded the degree on 8 May 1996 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the University of Agriculture in Nitra on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the VŠP establishment.
Edward Runge was born on 4 August 1933 in St Peter in Illinois. He received his M.Sc. at the University of Illinois (1957). In addition to universities in the USA, he was also active at universities in New Zealand and Indonesia. He has served in top leadership roles as President of the Soil Science Society of America, as President of the American Society of Agronomy, and Secretary for Science at the agricultural division of the American Association for Higher Education. His research has been focused on the effect of weather on agricultural production, on issues related to landscaping, crop production modelling, and agricultural strategy in connection with a global society. Professor Edward Runge is a representative of the first overseas university with which the University of Agriculture in Nitra signed an official cooperation agreement in 1987 already. This agreement was a basis for the first exchange visits of lecturers. It was thanks to his aid that the number of cooperating universities from the USA was increased by other important institutions. Highly beneficial was his participation in restructuring the educational system of our University in which his practical experience gained from managing a diversified education was used.

On the recommendation of Deans of the Faculty of Agronomy and Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Prof. Viktor A. Dragavcev, Director of the N. I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry in Saint Petersburg, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. By this decision, the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra recognises his contributions to educational and research development in the field of plant gene pool conservation as well as to the promotion of cooperation with our University in Nitra. The ceremony was held on 2 February 1999 in the Ceremony Hall of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Viktor A. Dragavcev was born on 18 October 1935 in Sochi. He received his degree at the University of Agriculture in Alma Ata (1958). He was a researcher in the Botanical Garden of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences in Alma Ata, Head of the Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Breeding at the Research Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, and Director of the P. P. Lukyanenko Research Institute of Agriculture in Krasnodar. He is serving as Director of the N. I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry in Saint Petersburg and is a member in many important scientific institutions and societies in Russia, Great Britain, in the USA, Germany, and in the Czech Republic. Professor Dragavcev is a personality internationally recognised in the field of theoretical and practical study concerning the exploitation of the plant gene pool and breeding process. Cooperation between the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and the N. I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry in Saint Petersburg has started in 1990 and led to signing the cooperation agreement anchoring multi-dimensional activities.

On the recommendation of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his exceptional contributions to enhancing education and research at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and to promoting cooperation between workers and students of both universities, Prof. John Kozak was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. He obtained his degree at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee held on 2 February 1999 in the Ceremony Hall of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
John Kozak was born on 14 September 1940 in Cleveland. He studied at the West Technical High School in Cleveland (1957). Later on, he completed a postgraduate study of physical chemistry at Princeton University in 1965. He is Professor of Chemistry currently serving at Iowa State University. He holds visiting professorship from universities in Belgium, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and Japan and is also Honorary Professor of the National Agrarian University in Kiev. Moreover, he served as Assistant Dean, Vice-Dean of the College of Science of the University of Notre Dame, Dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Georgia, and Provost of Iowa State University. His research is focused on mathematical and physical expressing of states and chemical processes. Closer cooperation with our University has started after his arrival to Iowa State University in Ames. It was also thanks to him that a series of students’ mobility programmes of both universities and the exchange of academic and non-academic officials could be performed. It was thanks to him that foreign contacts of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra have gained a new dimension. He died on 13 January 2021.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering and in recognition of his share in enhancing education and research at the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering as well as his contributions to promoting cooperation between workers and students of both universities, the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Prof. Manfred H. Olbertz the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. He obtained his degree on 28 March 2000 at an extended meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Manfred H. Olbertz was born on 14 January 1926 in Wrocław. After obtaining higher education at the University of Rostock (1950), he served at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The whole of his life was linked to building the branch of Melioration, educating young specialists, developing the melioration science and modern technologies. Cooperation between Professor Olbertz and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra started in 1961 with the preparation and elaboration of the first study plan for the branch of Melioration at the Faculty of Agronomy. Later on, it continued by means of organising exchange practical trainings of students, participating in scientific events, etc. It was significantly stepped up by creating an international research team for the research and modernisation of low-pressure irrigation, which was headed by Professor Olbertz. Team members were workers of the universities in Rostock and Szarvas, of the University of Agriculture in Nitra, and of the Research Institute for Irrigation in Szarvas where this research team built an extensive trial facility in 1984. After completing his active work, he contributed to a successful transformation of the branch of Landscape Engineering at the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. He died on 21 April 2002.

On nomination of the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Management and in recognition of his lifetime work, the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Prof. Miroslav Grznár the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in agricultural and forestry sciences. The ceremonial act was held on 28 March 2000 at an extended meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Miroslav Grznár was born on 8 March 1935 in Veľké Uherce. He obtained higher education at the University of Economics in Bratislava (1958). As an educator, he has focused on exact disciplines applying quantitative methods such as the forecasting, planning and modelling of economic processes and computer-aided decision mak-
ing. His scientific work has started with the planning of production on farms, later it continued with a long- and medium-term planning in agriculture. He served as Vice-Dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. He is a full member of the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences and actively cooperates with other scientific institutions at home and abroad. He has significantly participated in the development of the Faculty of Economics and Management and its departments in a content-based building of several key courses as well as in the preparation and innovation of study programmes of the faculty. He has significantly contributed to enhancing the knowledge of our students by his lectures and publishing activities (especially university textbooks), by participating in committees for State examinations, and by reviewing diploma theses.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Academician Ján Plesník was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa for developing the animal science and for scientific and research results being a valuable source for the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the educational process and in developing study branches. He obtained his degree on 15 March 2001 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Ján Plesník was born on 23 April 1925 in Krajné. He graduated from the University of Agriculture in Brno, and his domain has been genetics and cattle breeding, nutrition and physiology of milk production. He became Member of the ČSAV and SAV, Professor of Special Zootechny, was awarded the DrSc. (Doctor of Science), and became Academician of the ČSAV and SAV. He is also a foreign member of outstanding European and global societies and has participated in forming the organisational basis and structure of agricultural science and research. His personal commitment resulted in the establishment of the Czechoslovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, or the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, after establishment of the independent Slovak Republic. He is Honorary Doctor of Sciences of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. A scientific school was also established by him. The name of Ján Plesník is associated with building the Research Institute for Animal Production in Nitra, which was headed by him for 32 years. The showing of films focusing on agriculture, food and related sciences as well as the AGROFILM film festival have started to be organised under his supervision.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Economics and Management and in recognition of his contributions to economic sciences and enhancing education and science at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, and for promoting mutual cooperation between universities, Prof. Jan Hron was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa on 15 March 2001 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Jan Hron was born on 17 September 1941. He received his Ing. at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Agriculture in Prague (VŠZ). He took up the position of Vice-Dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the VŠZ in Prague, Vice-Rector for Science and Research at the VŠZ in Prague, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management and Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences. His work is focused on organisational systems of farms, the theory of management, marketing management, cybernetics in management, strategic management, principles and mechanisms of a virtual organisation, the organisation of agri-business, and creating strategic alliances in order to increase the competitiveness of undertakings within the agricultural department. He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Plymouth, the University of Agriculture in Tbilisi, and became Honorary Professor of the Dnipropetrovs’k State Agrarian University. He is a member of scientific committees, both domestically and abroad, and a member of editorial boards of economic scientific journals. He has served as President of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, President of the Czech Rectors Conference and other institutions and committees at home and abroad.

The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Ms Catherine A. Bertini the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa for her personal contribution to alleviating the suffering of people on the Earth, care for groups of indigent people of all world communities, and for her efforts focused on justice and eradication of poverty in the world. She obtained her degree on 5 June 2001 at an extended meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Catherine A. Bertini was born on 30 March 1950 in Syracuse, New York, the USA. She graduated from the Institute of Politics in the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Before entering government services, she served as Acting Assistant Secretary of the Family Support Administration. She performed social reform the aim of which was to provide preparation and education for mothers living in incomplete families. In the Government of the State of Illinois, she worked as a member of the Illinois State Scholarship Commission for awarding grants and loans to students. Her other awards include the National Association of WIC Directors Leadership Award for results in the supervision, management and enforcement of programmes in favour of children and mothers. She has received honorary doctorates from the State University of New York, McGill University in Montreal, and Pine Manor College in Boston. She is the first woman in the post of Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) since 1992. She has also headed the Joint Consultation Group for Economics, the member of which is the UNDP, UNFDPA, UNICEF, IFAF and WFP. In 1996 she was named by The Times of London as one of “The World’s Most Powerful Women”.

In recognition of his long-term cooperation on the development of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in pedagogical, scientific and advisory activities associated with developing economic sciences, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Prof. G. Joachim Elterich the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa. The degree was conferred upon him on 6 June 2001 at an extended ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Joachim Elterich was born on 22 May 1930 in Dresden. He was granted a university diploma in the discipline of Agriculture and Economics at the University of Bonn (1956). His professional career has started in the position of Assistant for Research at the University of Bonn. He was nominated as the representative of Germany at the OECD in Paris for the cattle breeding group. He is a professor of the University of Delaware and holds visiting professorship from the University of Kiel, the University of Bonn and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The cooperation of Professor Elterich with our University has started in 1990 when he came as a visiting professor providing a series of lectures on actual economic topics. He was awarded a grant of the USIA for the project of transferring economic and management studies to the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Also the Institute of Business Development and Management (IBDM) was established within this project (with 120 graduates). In 1999 he established from own resources a fund supporting foreign graduated students for the field of agricultural economics and operational research (The G. Joachim Elterich Fellowship). Its objective is to enable graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra to study in the USA.

On 16 May 2002, on the occasion of 2002 International Scientific Days, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra conferred upon Prof. Karel Vinohradský, the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa. The Faculty of Economics and Management thereby recognised a long-term mutual co-operation and his share in the development of pedagogical and scientific research activities of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Karel Vinohradský was born on 23 February 1932 in Želetava. He studied at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Agriculture in Brno (1954). His career of an educator is characterised by a balanced, theoretical and practical conception of pedagogical and scientific research work. The first, more extensive cooperation of Professor Vinohradský with the Department of Agricultural Economics of the University of Agriculture in Nitra is a methodical follow-up to results of his works. After 1990, he focused especially on economic reforms of the agricultural sector in the Czech Republic, the concept of agrarian policy and competitiveness of farms. In 1990 he was nominated as Professor in the branch of Agricultural Economics. He has contributed to the development of higher education by his academic positions, as a member of scientific committees and committees for the defence of dissertations and as a member of nomination procedures. From 1976 Professor Vinohradský was Vice-Dean of the faculty, at the turn of 1989/90 he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno (MZLU), and in years 1994–2000 he was in the position of Vice-Rector of the same university. He has also served in advisory bodies and boards of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, and the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his long-term cooperation and share in the development of scientific research and pedagogical activities of the faculty, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Mr Jozef Kollár on 16 May 2002 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Jozef Kollár was born on 18 January 1934 in Bošáca. He obtained higher education at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University in Bratislava (1958). From 1962 he has been continuously employed with Duslo Šaľa. In the company’s research of Dusikáreň Šaľa, he established and headed the Department of Organic Synthesis. The result of his almost thirty-year scientific research work are specific products and production technologies prized by 27 Czechoslovak patents and certificates of authorship. In 1994 Jozef Kollár was nominated as Director of Duslo, š. p. (State enterprise). He was elected President of the Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak Republic, the first Vice-President of the Federation of Employers’ Associations of the Slovak Republic, as well as Vice-President of the Council of Economic and Social Agreement of the Slovak Republic. His cooperation with the Faculty of Agronomy of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra dates from 1964. He has participated in the tradition of joint international seminars relating to the use of fertilisers and pesticides. He is a co-founder of the journal Agrochemistry published by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in cooperation with Duslo, a. s. Šaľa. The Faculty of Agronomy has invited Mr Jozef Kollár to selected lectures dealing with the management of companies in current economic conditions as well as to the presentation of products of Duslo, a. s. Šaľa.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his contributions to the development of education, science and research in the field of biology and plant physiology, and for shaping the cultural and moral profile of a young generation, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Stanislav Procházka on 27 May 2004 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
Stanislav Procházka was born on 25 November 1940 in Střílky, the Czech Republic. After completing the secondary education, he graduated from the University of Agriculture in Brno in 1963 as an agronomist with the Ing. During the following two years, he headed the physiological laboratory of Branišovice Breeding Station and subsequently joined in 1965 the teaching staff at the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno. In 1975 he obtained the CSc. (Candidate of Sciences) at the Institute of Botany and Plant Physiology, in 1978 passed through the habilitation procedure and became Senior Lecturer for the branch of Plant Physiology, in which he also obtained the scientific qualification Doctor of Science, and 1985 was the year when he was promoted to professorship. At the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, he served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and later as Vice-Rector of the university. In years 1986–91 and 2000–2008, he headed the university as Rector. His professional, pedagogical and scientific research work is focused on botany, anatomy and physiology of plants. Professor Procházka is a member of several domestic and foreign scientific societies as well as editorial boards of scientific and professional journals.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of every assistance in the development of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, for active participation in academic bodies of the University as well as for his personal contribution to reinforcing the national awareness of Slovaks and supporting the national culture of Slovakia, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Mr Ladislav Švihel on 20 September 2005 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
Ladislav Švihel was born on 1 April 1938 in Nitra. He earned his degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and subsequently at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the branch of Artistic Architecture. In 1972 he decided to use his talent in the emerging organisation Agrokomplex in Nitra, to which he dedicated his whole professional life. He was Deputy and since 1990 Director General of the Agrokomplex-Výstavníctvo company. He has significantly contributed to organising Slovak expositions in world’s fairs and is an author of several architectonical solutions to these events. A valuable feature of Ladislav Švihel is the connection between his professional activity and artistic activities linked to building national awareness. He has very intensively participated in the development of the newly established Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, as an external member of the faculty, Head of department, and by providing study opportunities for students in the premises of Agrokomplex, which the SUA in Nitra was lacking at the beginning of faculty existence. He has been a member of scientific committees and of the Administrative Committee of the SUA in Nitra as well as a member of sports clubs at the SUA in Nitra. He died on 6 November 2020.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his contributions to the development of education, science and research of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the field of economics, management and regional development, and for his personal share in educating young scientists, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Sándor Magda on 20 September 2005 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Sándor Magda was born on 13 March 1946 in Ludas, Hungary. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture of the Debrecen University of Agriculture. After graduating from the university, he worked as an agronomist on a farm, and after gaining work experience, from 1978 he has worked at the Gödöllő University of Agriculture as a lecturer and later as a professor (from 1993). His positions at the university were that of Head of department, Dean and Vice-Rector. Concurrently, he is the founder and Director of Károly Róbert College in Gyöngyös. Professor Sándor Magda has cooperated with the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and the Faculty of Economics and Management since 1980 in the field of educating young scientists, organising joint scientific events and joint research projects focusing on small- and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to his personal participation, cooperation has been extended to organising joint educational programmes of Hotel Management and Tourism and to organising joint scientific conferences in the Slovak Republic and Hungary, in particular with the attendance of young scientists and educators. PHOTO GALLERY

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his long-term cooperation and contributions to the enhancement of education, science and research in the field of econometrics and statistics, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. František Střeleček on 4 May 2006 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
František Střeleček was born on 31 May 1936 in Stachy, the Czech Republic. He obtained higher education at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Eco-
nomics in Prague (1960). From 1963 he has been working at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice; he was in the position of Vice-Rector of the university, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Rector of the university. His specialisation is economic statistics, financial management, analyses of business activities, and agricultural economics. He has served in many professional boards, scientific committees of domestic and foreign universities, and editorial boards of professional and scientific journals. Professor Střeleček is a member of several global and European associations. As a researcher and co-researcher, he has participated in numerous domestic and foreign research projects. Within cooperation since the 1970s, he has been involved in many professional committees and in the shaping of study branches, specialisations and several professional courses at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. He has significantly contributed to the scientific education of PhD. students and to habilitation and inauguration procedures at the Faculty of Economics and Management.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his long-term cooperation and contributions to promoting the mutual cooperation of universities in education, scientific research and other creative activities, as well as for promoting the reputation of the SUA in Nitra abroad, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. József Molnár on 20 June 2007 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
József Molnár was born on 3 October 1947 in Miskolc, Hungary. He graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences (1970). During his professional career, he has passed through all academic offices at the Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences. He served as Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Vice-Rector and Rector of Szent István University in Gödöllő. Professor Molnár has been a member in many foreign and domestic professional associations, scientific committees and editorial boards. At an international level, he has been involved in the research of several research projects focusing on economics and marketing. He contributed to initiating multilateral mobility projects for students, PhD. students and educators and participated in the content-based and methodical preparation of textbooks for specialised courses at the Faculty of Economics and Management. He is an author of many important scientific and professional works published at home and abroad and of scientific contributions presented at foreign scientific events.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his contributions to enhancing the education, science and research of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the field of power engineering, and for his personal share in the education of young scientists, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Karel Pokorný on 20 June 2007 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
Karel Pokorný was born on 1 November 1945 in the Czech Republic. He obtained higher education at the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT). In 2001 he was promoted to professorship at the SUA in Nitra. His professorial life was linked with the Faculty of Engineering of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, at which he served, in addition to pedagogical activities, as Vice-Dean and Dean of the faculty. His pedagogical and scientific research work was focused on electrical power engineering, renewable energy sources, and automation and communication technology. His cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering of the SUA in Nitra was targeted at pedagogical activities, as an aid in the development of electrical engineering at the said faculty. By taking part in State final examinations, dissertation and habilitation procedures, he contributed to the professional growth of young scientists and educators. Many scientific and research projects of workers of the Faculty of Engineering of the SUA in Nitra were reviewed by him. He was a member of the Scientific Committee and Editorial Board of the Faculty of Engineering and cooperated in organising international scientific conferences. He died on 25 July 2008.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences and in recognition of his exceptional activities in pedagogy and research, and for promoting the reputation of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of the SUA in Nitra internationally, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Ignác Hoza, Rector of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, on 20 November 2008 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
Ignác Hoza was born on 30 December 1941 in Zlín, the Czech Republic. He graduated from the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology of the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (1967). He has bound the career of a university teacher and researcher with military universities, at which he served as a senior lecturer and professor. He took up the position of Rector of the Military University of Ground Forces in Vyškov. Later on, he became Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Rector of Tomas Bata University in Zlín. His specialisation is targeted at the study of lipids, nucleic acids and metabolism, as well as hygienic aspects of eating in members of armed forces, and crisis management. His cooperation with the SUA in Nitra is associated with the preparation of study plans, cooperation in the research of food (a coordinator of joint programmes), with study programmes for PhD. students, and selected lectures for students of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his contributions to enhancing the education, science and research of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the field of precision agriculture, as well as for his personal share in the education of young scientists, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Richard J. Godwin on 20 November 2008 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
Richard J. Godwin was born on 20 April 1947 in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He obtained his degree at the University of Illinois (1970, M.Sc.) and at the Reading University/National College of Agricultural Engineering (1974, PhD). In addition to pedagogical and scientific research activities, Professor Godwin has served as Dean of the faculty, Vice-Chancellor of the university, and Research Director at Cranfield University at Silsoe. Cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering dates from 2004 when he became within foreign programmes a supervisor of PhD. students of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. He has contributed to the development of science and research at our faculty by his specialisation in the implementation of precision agriculture with respect to soil mechanics and tillage. His valuable advice contributed to the creation of methodologies for research projects, being jointly researched in our country and in Great Britain.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his long-term cooperation and contributions to promoting the mutual cooperation of universities in the field of educational, scientific research and other creative activities, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Janusz Żmija, Rector of the Hugo Kołłątaj University of Agriculture in Krakow, at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra held on 15 October 2009 on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of establishment of the Faculty of Economics and Management. PHOTO GALLERY
Janusz Żmija was born on 6 September 1949 in Rudno, Poland. He obtained higher education at the Faculty of Agriculture of Akademia rolnicza w Krakowie (1973). Cooperation with Professor Żmija was based on his lifetime professional orientation towards agricultural economics, agribusiness and regional development, and there have been several jointly researched projects since 1974. After 1990 he contributed to opening the international master’s degree study in English in the study programme of Agricultural Economics for economic faculties of Visegrad Group universities. He has intensively contributed to the creation of the ERASMUS programme for the mobility of students and educators focusing on economic relations, social sciences and European citizenship. Professor Żmija is a recognised educator and scientist, both domestically and internationally, as evidence of numerous international activities and awards obtained for his pedagogical and scientific cooperation.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of promoting mutual cooperation and supporting the authority of the SUA in Nitra at an international level, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Jaroslav Hlušek, Rector of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra held on 15 October 2009. PHOTO GALLERY
Jaroslav Hlušek was born on 6 July 1950 in Nesvačilka, the Czech Republic. He earned his degree at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Agriculture in Brno. His specialisation is targeted at agrochemistry and plant nutrition, which has also become the subject of cooperation between the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Professor Hlušek has also served as Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Rector of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno. He is a member of many scientific committees and editorial boards at home and abroad. The cooperation of universities dates from 1986 when it started as the cooperation of departments, and later it has expanded into the cooperation of faculties. The person named herein is considered a prominent figure of the current generation who has significantly influenced the long-term, scientific research and pedagogical cooperation between the sister faculties of both universities.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his long-term cooperation and contributions to promoting the mutual cooperation of universities in the field of educational, scientific research and other creative activities, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. László Villányi, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Szent István University in Gödöllő, at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra held on 15 October 2009 on commemoration of the 50th anniversary of establishment of the Faculty of Economics and Management. PHOTO GALLERY
László Villányi was born on 12 August 1946 in Szentlászló, Hungary. He graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences. In addition to the position of Rector of the university, he has also served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Szent István University in Gödöllő. The main subject of cooperation was to create the international master’s degree study in English in the study programme of Business Economics for universities of the Visegrad Group Countries. That enabled multilateral mobility projects for students, PhD. students and educators. Professor Villányi has actively been involved in organising international scientific events within the Visegrad Group Countries, scientific workshops and joint international publications of books. He is a professional in the field of economic sciences of agriculture recognised at a national and international level. He is a member of several important research projects and an author of many scientific and professional works.

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and in recognition of his contributions to enhancing the education, science and research in the field of agricultural engineering, and for his personal share in the education of young scientists, the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred upon Prof. Hristo Beloev on 21 October 2011 at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. PHOTO GALLERY
Hristo Beloev was born on 15 August 1958 in Bulgaria. He obtained higher education at the University of Ruse in the study branch of Agricultural Engineering. After completing the postgraduate study, he has been working at this university in the position of a scientist, Deputy Head of department, Dean of the faculty (2003–2007), and Rector of the university (from 2007 to date). The whole of his professional career of a university teacher and scientist is associated with the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse. He is a member of many domestic and foreign professional committees and editorial boards of scientific and professional journals. Furthermore, he serves as President of the Danube Rectors’ Conference. As regards science and research, Professor Beloev has been involved in many domestic and foreign scientific and research projects in the field of agricultural engineering, some of them being a basis for patents, too. This knowledge is being actively transformed by him into pedagogical work.

The Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra decided to confer upon Mr Muhammad Hatta Rajasa, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the Doctor Honoris Causa degree for development of bilateral Slovak and Indonesian cooperation in the field of economy and food resources. It was so done at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra held on 12 June 2012. PHOTO GALLERY
Muhammad Hatta Rajasa was born on 18 December 1953 in Palembang (Indonesia). He earned his degree in the field of Petroleum Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1980. In 2000 he became Chairman of the Board of Directors in the petroleum company PT Arthindo Utama Jakarta. He served as Minister for Research and Technology and was concurrently Chairman of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Chairman of the National Research Council, Vice-Chairman of the Eastern Indonesia Development Council, and Executing Chairman of the National Aeronautic and Space Council. Furthermore, he was also Minister for Transportation. In 2009 he was elected Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and has been in this office to date. He is responsible for the implementation of the Government programme for enhancing the Indonesian economic growth in years 2011–25. Part of this agenda is also the strategic area of growing wheat and increasing the self-sufficiency of the Republic of Indonesia in food – a pro-gramme in which the Slovak Republic and the SUA in Nitra are involved, too.

On the recommendation of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics and Management, the Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Dr Johannes Swinnen, professor of the Catholic University of Leuven and the president of the World Association of Agricultural Economists for his contribution to the development of education, science and research of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the field of agricultural economics and personal contribution to the development of scientific cooperation. The official inauguration took place on September 13, 2012. PHOTO GALLERY
Prof. Swinnen was born on September 28, 1962 in Olmen, Belgium. He graduated from the Catholic University of Leuven, where in 1985 he earned a master degree in agricultural sciences. In 1992, he was awarded a doctoral degree in agricultural economics at Cornell University, USA and four years later he was inaugurated as a professor of agricultural sciences. Between 2003 - 2005 he was a chief economist of the World Bank , in the period of 1998 - 2001, he worked as an economic adviser to the European Commission for the integration of Central and Eastern Europe into the EU in the field of agriculture. Since 2009, he is the president of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. In 2012 he was appointed the president of the International Association of Economists in the area of brewing. Prof. Swinnen currently works as a professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, where he is also a director of LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance, as well as the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. He deals with issues of political economy, international markets and the implications of globalization for these markets. He has received numerous awards for his research and scientific work so far.

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the academic Vladimir M. Bautin, Rector of Timiryazev State Agricultural University in Moscow, for active cooperation and personal contribution to international cooperation. The official ceremony took place on September 13, 2012. PHOTO GALLERY
Vladimir Mojsejevic Bautin was born in Novokubansk on May 27, 1948 in the Krasnodar region. He graduated from the Cuban Institute of Agriculture, a study field Agricultural Economics and Organization of Production. In 1982 he defended a title Candidate of Sciences, in 1992 he earned a title Doctor of economic sciences, and two years later he became a professor. In 2002 he became an Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. At the end of the 1990s, Prof. Bautin became the Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and in November 2002 he was appointed the Rector of Timiryazev State Agricultural University in Moscow. He actively addresses issues of modernization of higher education institutions, special attention is paid to the development of cooperation with European organizations and agricultural universities. He is a member of several advisory bodies, an active member of the Council of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science, technology and education and a member of the advisory board of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In 2007, he became the Vice-President of the Management Board of the Association of Agricultural Economists in Russia. Prof Bautin was awarded the title Doctor Honoris Causa by several foreign universities and academies.

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to to prof. Laszlo Bardos, DVM, PhD., professor of the University of St. Stephen in Gödöllő in Hungary, for active cooperation in the development of university and personal contribution to the implementation of international scientific cooperation. The official ceremony took place on May 22, 2013. PHOTO GALLERY

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to prof. Ing. Jan Mareček DrSc., professor of the Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic, for the development of knowledge in the field of agricultural and environmental technology, for international cooperation in research and dissemination of reputation of the SUA in Nitra. The official ceremony took place on May 22, 2013. PHOTO GALLERY

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to prof. Ing. Jiří Balík, CSc., Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, for a significant contribution to the development of science and knowledge in the field of plant nutrition, mutual cooperation and enforcement of the authority of the SUA in Nitra in an international context. The official ceremony took place on July 1, 2014. PHOTO GALLERY

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Prof. Ing. Ladislav Zeman, CSc., Dean emeritus of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Mendel University in Brno for a significant contribution to the development of science and knowledge in the field of animal nutrition, mutual cooperation and enforcement of the authority of the SUA in Nitra on an international level. The official ceremony took place on July 1, 2014. PHOTO GALLERY

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to prof. Dr. habil. Walter F. Leal, professor of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences for significant contribution to the development of environmentalism as a science. The official ceremony took place on November 4, 2014. PHOTO GALLERY

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to prof. Dr. habil. Edward Pierzgalski, professor of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) for significant contribution to environmental science, mutual cooperation and enforcement of authority of SUA in Nitra in international context. The official ceremony took place on November 4, 2014. PHOTO GALLERY

Prof. dr. ir. Guido Van Huylenbroeck from Ghent University, Belgium, was ceremonially awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra for his active cooperation in the scientific, research and educational development of the University on 19 October 2016. PHOTO GALLERY

Prof. Dr. Wilhelmus Johannes Maria Heijman from Wageningen University, Netherlands, was ceremonially awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra for his active cooperation in the development of the Univeristy and his personal contribution to realization of the scientific cooperation on 19 October 2016. PHOTO GALLERY

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra awarded the title Doctor honoris causa to prof. Dr. hab. Wlodzimierz Sady, Rector of the Agricultural University in Krakow, for active cooperation in the development of the university in scientific research and educational activities. The ceremonial inauguration took place on June 15, 2017. PHOTO GALLERY
He was born on 26. 7. 1946, in Porąbka Uszewska (the region of Małopolska). He is a graduate of the Faculty of Horticulture of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, where he graduated in horticulture in 1987 and received the title of Professor of Agricultural Sciences in 1996. The main scientific interests of Prof. W. Sady include the issue of crop cultivation, fertilisation and mineral nutrition of plants, including enrichment of trace elements and reduction of crop contamination with nitrates and heavy metals, as well as the production of vegetables with high nutritional and biological value. Important is the contribution of Prof. W. Sady to the development of academic and scientific research cooperation between the SUA in Nitra and AU in Krakow. In line with the priorities in European higher education and research, he supports the involvement of faculties and individual workplaces in project and publishing activities in cooperation with colleagues and workplaces of the SUA in Nitra. The most important progress is considered to be an active approach in the creation of international study programmes taught in English (International Master of Horticultural Science and Business Economics), which, in line with current trends in education, enrich the offer of learning opportunities and contribute to the attractiveness of both educational institutions.

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, based on the proposal from the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, awarded the title Doctor honoris causa to the academician Prof. Dr. M.Sc. Ivan Kreft, Ph.D., from the Institute of Nutrition in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for active cooperation in the development of the university and personal contribution to the realisation of scientific cooperation. The inauguration ceremony took place on 15 June 2017. PHOTO GALLERY
Academician Ivan Kreft is a recognised expert in plant genetics and physiology, tissue culture research. He is the author of the first Slovenian university textbook of genetics, a pioneer of electrophoretic analyses for the research of genetic polymorphism. His scientific contribution consists of deepening basic knowledge in the field of genetic and physiological aspects of increasing the food quality of crops (buckwheat, barley, wheat, maize, pumpkin,...). He participated in the development and improvement of methods of research into the distribution of secondary metabolites, trace elements, proteins, starch, fibre, as well as ultrastructural characteristics of seeds. As the head of scientific teams, he discovered epigenetic effects of selenium-containing proteins in cellular respiration processes of peas and buckwheat. He is a pioneer, promoter and populariser of buckwheat cultivation and its use in human nutrition. He has been cooperating with the SUA for a long time, as a foreign expert has also participated in the construction of the AgroBioTech Research Centre.

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, based on the proposal of the management of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, awarded the title of honoris causa doctor to academician prof. Ing. Pavel Tlustoš, CSc., from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic) for a significant contribution to the development of science in the field of agrochemistry and plant nutrition, mutual cooperation and promotion of the authority of the SUA in Nitra internationally. The inauguration ceremony took place on 23 October 2019. PHOTO GALLERY
Prof. Pavel Tlustoš was born in 1955 in Sněžné na Morave. He is a graduate of the University of Chemistry in Pardubice, Department of Inorganic Chemistry. Since 1981 he has worked at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He participated significantly in deepening cooperation between the workplaces of both universities at the level of departments and later, as the Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources of CULS, as well as at the faculty level. He is one of the recognised scientific and pedagogical personalities in the field of nitrogen throughout its entire cycle: fertiliser – soil – plant – environment. He also studied the impact of the risks of meliorative materials and their behaviour after application to the soil, as well as the issue of risk elements in plants, remediation, phytoremediation. He is currently intensively addressing the issues of herbicide residues and, above all, of pharmaceuticals in the environment. The results of the work in this area have also been reflected in the approval of five patents and eight certified methodologies over the last ten years. His scientific qualities are known both at home and abroad thanks to numerous scientific publications and active work in professional, advisory and scientific bodies and commissions.

The Scientific Council of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, based on the proposal of the management of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, awarded the title doctor honoris causa to academician Prof. Dr.Ján Kišgeci of the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) for a significant contribution to the development of science in the field of medicinal plant and hops research, for the development of mutual cooperation and the promotion of SUA in Nitra authority internationally. The inauguration ceremony took place on 23 October 2019. PHOTO GALLERY
Prof. Ján Kišgeci was born in 1941 in Báčsky Petrovec, Serbia. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, where he received the degree of master, doctor and later professor. He is an important personality in the field of development of genetics and breeding of hops and medicinal plants. He realised his theoretical and scientific knowledge as the Director of the Institute for Hops, Sorghum and Medicinal Plants in Báčsky Petrovec, where he worked for sixteen years. In the period of 1989-1996 he served as the Minister of Agriculture of the Provincial Executive Council of Vojvodina, Minister of Agriculture in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and for the last two years he worked at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Union of Yugoslavia as the Director of the Union Administration for Plant Protection and Animal Health. As part of his scientific and pedagogical work, he established intensive cooperation with Czech and Slovak institutions focused on research, cultivation and processing of hops, medicinal plants and other agricultural crops. He worked closely with the Institute of Biodiversity and Biosafety of the FAFR SUA in Nitra in preparation of the project to preserve the variability of agricultural cultures and their species. For merit in the field of preservation and development of national, spiritual and cultural awareness and strengthening the identity of Slovaks abroad, he was awarded in 2016 by the Memorial Medal of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad in Bratislava. He is the holder of the Prize of the President of the Matica Slovenská.